Thursday, September 4, 2008

Positive spin on our future

I do not believe anything devastating will happen to the world. I have seen one future event of a Super Nova. People just hid in safe places to wait out the radiation, 3 or 4 days.
This was my last glimpse of the future: (I was piggy backed onto another mans mind, most of the time travel happen this way).
These travels ended in a future experience, in which I was riding a raised railway in a magnetic levitation train the train had digitized control panels, indicating speed, temperature, distance traveled, distance left, and maps showing the train’s position. There were no manual controls. It was night-time with a full moon; there were no buildings, lights or roads that I could see in the surrounding countryside. The train approached a city; it was early morning and the city was empty of life. At the city, a smaller automated vehicle was waiting to take me to a building where I was to wait for an appointment. This is where I disobeyed Ship’s directive and took the man into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. It was not my face! Ship took me away. That was the last time travel trip.

It looks like we had gotten over our addiction to oil! The countryside was just fields, few roads and no cars.

Roger Kvande

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