I admit I do not know much of implants, other than I have never heard of any implants being anyhting other than a blob of material. Has anyone retrieved a implant and seen some type of technology within it? Are they anything but ordinary materials?
I was extracted from my bedroom many times by this ship, I hated it! I could feel resistance as I was drawn thru the roof, windows, ect, as if some of myself was being left behind and vise versa. I have sugusted to MUFON that there may be genetic material left behind if something has been seen going thru a wall. This could be tested.
From age 3 - 15 I had experiences I could only describe as totally out of this world. So much so, I thought they were just a bad dream, It was not until my mid 30's did I even consider they were real. At the age of 32, I knew things had happened to me but had no other evidence to indicate these things had really happened, until I was at a friend’s party. There two strangers cornered my mother, asking her about any extraterrestrial experiences she may have had. I was close enough to overhear her. I then began talking about it for the first time with my wife and 2 boys. It turns out my older son had also been abducted with me; I was able to remember them also. He made me tell him word for word what was said during two experiences with me. This was all very interesting but at that time telling all could have ended my career. So I waited until I was 48 years old before telling MUFON. At this time I am retired and do not care what people think!
I am sorry if I have offended anyone with implants, this is what I think they are from my experiences.
Roger Kvande
1 comment:
Great work.
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